Changing Address? So you’ve signed all the contracts. Provided all the paper work, inspections are done and now the wait begins… and the inner child starts “can I have the keys now?” No! “how about now?” No! This may seem like a life time away but there is some tasks that you can start to prepare (besides the delightful process of packing…insert sigh here)….Drum roll please….Cue boredom buster…Like getting all your providers etc. changed to your new address! Yay Woot Woot!! 😛
Now as fun as it may seem, there really are quite a few people or business’s to contact. Below are a few of the main culprits that you will need to contact. You can also download the user friendly: The Property Buyers Guide by Simply Altruism_Change of Address Cheatsheet here and amend as needed.
I recommend you start contacting them the week before the move at least. As come packing day, including the couple of weeks following the move; your time is going to be stretched!
Now I must also point out that you do not want to change your address too early either….just saying week 2 of an 8 week settlement period may just be a little eager?? But all jokes aside the reason being is the current owner may not want your mail coming to their current address, more often than not to them it’s still their home and even though they have made the choice to move; there will be some emotional attachment to the property. That and it may just get damn annoying…

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