It doesn’t matter whether you have just bought your first home or looking to move out of the family home for the first time the same principles can be applied.
What seems like a lifetime away now! I’m going to share some wisdom that was bestowed upon me from my family and closest friends…and like you will probably do I ignored it (alright I said I was sorry a million times already mum!).…if you choose to swallow your pride and listen?
You may have heard the “geez the first shop will kill you” routine or “good luck in your first couple of months.. You’ll be eating baked beans on toast for a while”. Like you I had no clue what they were talking about and again like you I gave the same response.. That polite smile and nod like when your Uncle is over and tells another “cracker” of a joke.
There is plenty of advice out there like save 20% deposit, get a big enough deposit to save on Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI), get a building & pest inspection to save on hidden problems, buy the worst house in the street and the list can go on. But no one tells you to keep money in reserve for your first shop or for any unforeseen expenses.
It also seems like a long past tradition, ye’good ol’Glory Box. The Glory Box was a way of buying items such as towels, sheets, cooking utensils etc. Ready for the first time you move out of the nest.
So not to put a dampener on what will be the best time of your life! But it’s worth while keeping a good $2-$3,000 aside in a separate account ready for this momentous occasion. The reason why I like having this amount is:
1/ No matter how good a building inspection is they simply cannot tell how long an appliance will last. Even if the property has a brand new hot water system, it could (but highly unlikely) fail sooner than the 10-15 year life span most manufacturers put on their appliances. Having a couple of thousand dollars put aside for such a rainy day will save on high interest loans, credit card debt or even the hassle of sheepishly asking your family for a loan.
Personally I find having a separate online savings account (which nearly every banking or credit union has the facility to offer) where you will earn more interest than an everyday account; as long as you make no withdrawals that month. These also can only be accessed via as the name suggest “on the line” or “interwebs” – meaning those impromptu nights out on the town you won’t be able to tap into these savings.
2/ The first shop! Unlike your Glory Box (if you were fortunate to start/have one) this is the necessities. It really is amazing how quick the dollars turn over at the checkout for meat, cheese, veggies and cleaning products.
Your First Shop:
A super little trick that I learnt the hard way is:
If you can avoid buying your cleaning products from a supermarket and buy them at a cheap store. After all bleach is bleach and generally they’ll stock the same household names as the larger supermarkets. But you’ll save enormously!
You’re first shop will probably be in the multiple hundreds of dollars without even blinking an eye. I’ve had multiple conversations with friends and family alike and each ranged from around $400-$800 dollars. Again all depending if you planned ahead of your move and how many mouths you have to feed. Below is a list of items that you will probably need, you can also download a printable checklist here: The Property Buyers Guide by Simply Altruism – My First Shop Checklist
Bathroom/Toiletries – Toilet Paper, Hand Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap/Body Wash.
Kitchen – Bin Liners, Dishwashing Liquid, Dishwasher Powder/or Liquid, Sponge’s, Scouring Pads, Glad Wrap, Alfoil, Baking Paper, Zip Lock/Sandwich Bags, Napkins/Serviettes, Olive Oil, Cooking Spices, White Vinegar, Sugar, Coffee.
Cleaning Supplies – Baking Soda, Dust Pan & Broom, Broom, Mop & Bucket, Rags, Hand Towel, Duster, Rubber Gloves, bleach, floor cleaning agents, oven cleaner, mentholated spirits, window cleaner, surface spray.
Other – Batteries: AA/ AAA/ DD (are most common), Light Bulbs.
As you can see this is quite a bit even before you start adding food…. and that’s if you haven’t started or have a Glory Box.

The age old tradition of the Glory Box:
If you were fortunate enough to start a Glory Box? Then quite a big chunk of expenses have already been outlaid. The most common items can be found below. *Note a Glory Box normally excludes furniture items. Again if you are thinking of starting one you can download the checklist here: The Property Buyers Guide by Simply Altruism – Glory Box Checklist
Bathroom/Toilet – Toilet Seat, Shower Curtain & Rings, Bathmat, Towels, Hand Towel, Face Washer, Toilet Brush, Shower Caddy, Trash Can, Plunger, Toilet Roll Holder, Cotton Bud Holder, Cotton Wool Holder, Toothbrush Holder, Soap Dispenser.
Kitchen – Trash Can/Bin, Dish Rack, Cutting/Chopping Boards, Cutlery, Knifes & Block, Kettle, Dish Towels, Dishes: Plates/Bowls/Mugs/Glasses, Pots and Pans, Utensils: Spatula/ Ladle/ Whisk/ Tongs/ Masher/ Spoons/ Pasta Spatula/ Pizza Cutter/ Garlic Crusher etc. , Measuring Cups/Spoons, Bottle Opener/Cork Screw, Food Storage Containers, Ice Cube Trays, Can Opener, Colander, Table Cloths, Spice Rack, Mixing Bowls, Fire Extinguisher, Fire Blanket, Draw/Shelf Liners, Cutlery Draw Organiser, Toaster, Blender, Microwave, Salt & Pepper Shakers, Jugs, Saucepans.
Bedroom – Pillows, Blankets, Throws, Electric Blanket, Bedside Table Lamp/s, Sheets.
Cleaning – Vacuum, Dustpan & Broom, Mop & Bucket, Steam Mop, Duster, Lint Roller, Ironing Board & Iron, Cleaning Organiser or Caddy.
Other – Throw rugs, Cushions/Pillows, Rugs, Welcome/Door Mat, Coat Hooks/Rack, Basic Tool Kit, Extension Cords, Power Board/Double Adapter, Sewing Kit, Light Bulbs, Laundry Basket/s, Picture Hooks/Nails, Flash Light, Candles, Lantern, First Aid Kit, Under Bed Storage Containers, Storage Containers, Lawn Mower, Edge Trimmer, Garden Hose, Watering Can, Gardening Tools, Measuring Tape, Window Cleaning Utensils, Picture Frames, Prints/Canvas’s, Window Furnishings and any Homewares such as Vases etc. that you may like.

This is the part where I should say something inspiring like:
“You can do this”, “You have time on your hands now, so don’t waste it” But reality is you simply should start purchasing these items! Or at least have that spare buffer for when you make the move.…Don’t make the same mistake I did!
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